Appointments with a Medical Specialist

Appointment centres

To schedule an appointment with a medical specialist, you need a referral either from your family physician or your attending physician.

You will be meeting the medical specialist at the hospital, in a specialty clinic (outpatient clinic). This service enables specialists to diagnose, treat and monitor outpatients.

To contact us

Appointment centres

Hôpital Fleurimont and 
Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke

Access online services

Appointment centres

CSSS de Memphrémagog and
CSSS du Granit

Access online services

Appointment centres

Hôpital de Granby and
Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins

Access online services

Other appointment centres

CSSS de Coaticook
CSSS des Sources
Hôpital et centre d’hébergement Argyll
Radiologie/Médecine nucléaire (HF et HD)

Contact by phone


Are you waiting for an appointment with a medical specialist? Keep an eye out for a message from Axelle on your phone. To learn more, check the FAQ (French).

*To obtain an appointment with a specialist at the hospital or for a test or examination in an outpatient clinic, you must be referred by your family doctor or an attending physician.

Our specialty clinics

We have many specialty clinics with or without medical referral

Consult the directory of our specialty clinics (French)

Contact the Appointment Centres

Centre de santé et des services sociaux de la MRC-de-Coaticook

Telephone:  819 849-9102, ext. 57309

Centre de santé et des services sociaux de Memphrémagog

Telephone:  819 843-3381, ext. 2236, press option 3

Fax:  819 868-3252

Centre de santé et des services sociaux Des Sources

Telephone:  819 879-7151, ext. 39300

Centre de santé et des services sociaux du Granit

Telephone:  819 583-0330, ext. 2385

Hôpital de Granby

Telephone:  450 375-8020

Cliniques externes de pédiatrie de l'Hôpital de Granby

Telephone:  450 375-8063

Fax:  450 574-8450

Hôpital et centre d'hébergement Argyll

Telephone:  819 821-5116, ext. 3

Fax:  819 829-7144

Hôpital Fleurimont and Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke

Telephone:  819 564-5210
Toll free:  1 866 638-2601

CSSS du Granit - Cardiology Department 

Telephone:  819 583-0330, ext. 2730

CSSS du Granit - Ophtalmology Department 

Telephone : 819 583-0330, ext. 2730

Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins - Orthopedics and Physiatry Department 

Telephone:  450 266-4342, press option 5, ext. 5542
Fax:  450 263-5282

Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins - Respiratory Therapy Appointment Centre

Requests for stress ECGs, resting ECGs, holters, blood pressure monitors
Requests for respiratory physiology tests, bronchoscopies, ambulatory sleep clinic

Téléphone: 450-266-4342, ext. 65174
Fax: 450-266-5049

Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins - Urology and General Surgery Department

Telephone:  450 266-4342, option 5, ext. 35784

Fax:  450 266-5425

Centre de répartition des demandes de services (CRDS) (to send consultation requests)
Address: Hôtel-Dieu de Sherbrooke, 580, Bowen Street South, Sherbrooke (Quebec) J1G 2E8
Fax: 819 820-6448

