Before going to the emergency room

The emergency room is a health service for people who are very ill and need rapid care

If your situation doesn't require immediate care, here are your options before heading to the emergency room:

  • Your pharmacist 
  • Info-Santé: 811, option 1
  • Info-Social: 811, option 2
  • Your family doctor or your specialized nurse practitioner (SNP)  
  • If you don't have a family doctor or specialized nurse practitioner (SNP): 


Assessing Your Health Problem

Consult these tools to help you assess your health, know when to seek help, how to get help, and how to treat yourself at home for common health problems.

What can I do about my health problem?

What to do in case of a cold, flu, or stomach flu?


A Simplified Guide to Help You

You can also consult our simplified guide, which summarizes who to contact for advice or care.


If your situation requires a visit to the emergency room, the severity of your condition determines the order in which you'll be seen by a doctor. To find out more, visit:
