Plan du site
- About
- Bénévolat
- Boards and committees
- Conseil d'administration d'établissement
- Comité d'éthique à la recherche
- Clinical and Organizational Ethics Committee
- Comité des usagers et des résidents - CIUSSS de l'Estrie - CHUS
- Conseil des médecins, dentistes et pharmaciens (CMDP)
- Comité de direction du Département régional de médecine générale (DRMG)
- Comité territorial des services pharmaceutiques
- Direction
- Fondements
- Fournisseurs
- Performance de nos services
- Projets majeurs
- Nous joindre
- Professionnels
- Médias et publications
- Savoirs et innovation
- Fondations
- Liste de nos fondations
- Fondation du CSSS du Granit
- Fondation de l'Hôpital Brome-Missisquoi-Perkins
- Fondation de l'Hôpital de Memphrémagog
- Fondation Vitae
- Fondation Les foyers Farnham
- Fondation Lévesque Craighead
- Fondation du Centre hospitalier de Granby
- Fondation du Centre jeunesse de l'Estrie
- Fondation Dixville Home Foundation
- Fondation des CLSC et CHSLD du Haut-Saint-François
- Fondation du CSSS de la MRC-de-Coaticook
- Fondation du CHUS
- Fondation du CSSS des Sources
- Fondation du CSSS du Val-Saint-François
- Fondation du Centre d'accueil de Cowansville
- Nouvelles
- Activités
- Liste de nos fondations
- Health Care and Services
- General Services
- Access to a Family Physician
- Simplified guide of health care services
- Info-Santé and Info-Social
- Crisis Situation
- Blood, Tissue and Fluid Sampling
- CLSC - local community service centre
- Emergency
- Accompanying a Patient
- Find an emergency room
- Before going to the emergency room
- What To Do about My Health Problem
- Important Emergency Phone Numbers
- Gastroenteritis, Colds and Flus
- Emergency Room Status - 24/7
- Care received at the emergency room
- Emergency Room Triage
- Urgences-Sante 911
- Returning from a Trip Abroad
- Emergency and seniors
- Pharmacies and Community Organizations
- Aide médicale à mourir
- Community Organizations
- Palliative and End-of-Life Care
- Home Support
- Telehealth: Online Care
- Violence conjugale
- Violence sexuelle
- Specialized Services
- Appointments with a Medical Specialist
- Consultations in Specialty Clinics
- Examinations, tests or surgery
- Medical Imaging (Radiology and Nuclear Medicine)
- Hospital Stay
- Medical Records and Archives
- Residences and Accommodations
- Hébergement pour adultes et aînés
- Argyll
- Bedford
- Coaticook
- East Angus
- Farnham
- Gérard-Harbec
- Leclerc
- Marie-Berthe Couture
- Villa-Bonheur
- Magog
- St-Joseph
- St-Vincent
- Weedon
- Youville
- Rehabilitation centre for youth and mothers with difficulties
- For La Halte and L’Accalmie
- Mutual to Le Rivage and L’Arc-en-Ciel
- La Croisée (teenagers from 13 to 17 years old)
- L’Oasis (teenagers from 13 to 17 years old)
- L’Écluse (teenagers (boys) from 13 to 17 years old)
- La Halte (crisis center)
- L’Accalmie (crisis center)
- Intervalle (teenagers (boys) from 13 to 17 years old)
- L’Équinoxe (teenagers (boys) from 13 to 17 years old)
- Transit (teenagers (boys) from 13 to 17 years old)
- L’Intervalle - Adolescents 13 à 17 ans
- L'Escale - closed and intensive care unit | Pavillon Bureau (teenagers (boys) from 13 to 17 years old)
- Le Repère (overflow unit)
- Foyer Kelly (teenagers (girls) from 12 to 17 years old)
- Le Rivage (children from 6 to 12 years old)
- L’Arc-en-Ciel (children from 6 to 12 years old)
- Outdoor sets
- Shared facilities or services
- Pavillon Paulhus (central pavillon)
- Point de service de Sherbrooke (Dufferin)
- Rehabilitation centre for youth with difficulty - Villa Marie-Claire
- Famille d’accueil spécialisée
- Devenir résidence d'accueil (RA)
- Vaccination and Immunization
- Screening
- Health Advice
- Topics
- Teens
- Cancer
- Disabilities and Autism
- Families, parents and children
- Resources for Families
- Vaccination
- Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn
- Ma famille, ma communauté
- Language development
- Reporting to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP)
- Adolescents
- Disabilities (physical and intellectual) and Autism
- Foster Families
- Adoption
- Research into family and medical history and requests for reunions
- Pregnancy, Birth and Newborn
- help for men
- Chronic Diseases
- Lutte contre la maltraitance
- Informal Caregivers
- Mental health and addictions
- General Services
- Service Point
- Carrières
- News
- Accessibility
- Confidentialité