Possibilités d'emploi auprès des jeunes
Job Opportunities with Youth
Many job categories lead the way to social work with the youth clientele at our institution.
New job title: Social aide
A great job opportunity for a student who wishes to work in his field!
The social aide is delegated tasks in files that are under the responsibility of a professional case manager in the psychosocial field. Responsibilities may include: gathering data and observations from a user and his loved ones; participating and collaborating in the development or revision of intervention plans; accompanying a user or a loved one to an activity; sending observations to the worker in charge of the file; collaborating in interventions contained in the intervention plan, etc.
Aide social (no 9588)
L'aide social est attitré au visites supervisées de la mission de protection de la jeunesse. Ce titre d'emploi est accessible aux candidats ayant l'équivalent de 14 années d'études dont une dans un domaine pertinent à la fonction.
Social aide
Social aide positions are currently posted. You must have completed at least two years of CEGEP or university education in a humanities field such as social work, criminology, psychoeducation, specialized education, psychology, or sexology.
Technical level
Specialized educator
The specialized educator works with people who have different issues - physical or psychological disabilities, behavioural disorders, mental and health-related disorders - in order to support their adaptation, rehabilitation and social inclusion.
Social service worker / Social assistance technician
The social service worker intervenes with individuals, families, groups, or communities facing a number of social issues in order to assist them in meeting their needs, in promoting their rights, and in fostering social change.
Bachelor's level
Social worker
The social worker helps individuals, couples, families, groups, and communities to prevent or resolve personal, family and social problems such as violence, suicide and delinquency.
Human relations officer (HRO)
The HRO works in a position of authority with youth and their families who are dealing with severe issues that affect their personal, family, or social functioning. The HRO interacts with the youth's environment in order to ensure the safety and development of the child so that he can benefit from ongoing support in his community. This job title is open to candidates who are members of their order and have a university degree in a humanities field such as social work, criminology, psycho-education, psychology or sexology.
The psychologist specializes in helping people to solve personal problems and to adapt to changes. He is committed to understanding the dynamics of an individual and to promoting the latter's well-being.
The psychoeducator provides evaluation, counselling, preventive action and preventive rehabilitation services. He assesses needs and establishes plans and strategies, in addition to organizing and facilitating activities.
- Read Sébastien's profile (French)
Security officer
The security officer works in a rehabilitation setting for young people with adjustment problems, patrolling the facilities and providing support, supervision, accompaniment and leadership to referred youth. The security officer welcomes young people and cares for them in times of crisis, or when special help is needed. The security officer may be asked to support other staff by ensuring a presence. He may even intervene physically and conduct searches when circumstances require. The security officer documents his observations in meaningful reports to further youth rehabilitation.
We're recruiting: Join our team!
Look for the words jeunesse (youth), Centre jeunesse de l'Estrie ou DPJE in the job offers.
See job offers
We continuously have job openings throughout our territory. Source of job descriptions: http://avenirensante.gouv.qc.ca/