Residences and Accommodations

Different types of accommodation are offered for youth (under 18 years old) and adults who can no longer live in their natural living environment.

More than Accommodations - Living Environments

  • Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLD and temporary lodging)
  • Kinship Foster Families (PFAP)
  • Private seniors' residences
  • Family-type resources (FTR): Foster Family, Foster Home and Specialized Foster Family
  • Intermediate resources (IR)

Service by referral only

All residential services are offered only through referral from a health care professional.

Certain fees apply. Visit the web site of the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec to learn more about fees for accommodation.

Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLD)


Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLD) provide services to adults who are no longer capable of staying in their natural living environments as a result of a loss of functional or psychosocial autonomy.

Renovation and improvement
of CHSLDs 
Access the virtual tour


Adapted to the levels of autonomy and to the physical and psychological conditions of their residents, the residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs) provide a safe and pleasant living environment for their residents, enabling them to obtain a variety of on-site services adapted to their needs, such as:

  • psychosocial services
  • nursing services
  • pharmaceutical services
  • health care and medical services
  • health care and rehabilitation services
  • diversified recreational services
  • hair styling, dentistry and foot-care services ($)
  • food services
  • diverse recreational and other activities
  • spiritual and pastoral services
  • and much more.

Temporary lodging

Taking care of a person with a loss of autonomy at home and on a daily basis can be difficult for relatives and loved ones. Temporary lodging helps family caregivers get a period of respite.

Our Team

To respond to the needs of residents, a multidisciplinary team composed of nurses, nursing assistants, beneficiary attendants, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, specialized educators, activity coordinator, and a pastoral officer is there to assist residents.


See calendar of activities by CHSLD (French)

Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLD) addresses

Find a Residential and long-term care centres (CHSLD) (French)

Rehabilitation centre for youth with difficulty (CRJDA)

The Rehabilitation centre for youth with difficulty (Centre de réadaptation pour jeunes en difficulté d'adaptation -CRJDA), also known as Youth centres or Child and youth protection centres, welcomes young people from 6 to 17 years of age who have difficulty adapting to society and who require specialized rehabilitation. This difficulty is linked, among other things, to personal factors and is manifested by maladaptive behaviours that are problematic in their relationship with their environment. The young people are supervised by educators who help them develop skills to ensure their reintegration into their family environment.

The CRJDA has two facilities in Sherbrooke.

Point of Service Val-du-Lac: located on the shores of Lac Magog, it has nine rehabilitation units:

  • two mixed units for children aged 6 to 12
  • four adolescent units (boys aged 13 to 17)
  • wo adolescent units (girls aged 13 to 17)
  • a closed and intensive care unit (boys aged 12 to 19)
  • a crisis center;
  • sports facilities (gymnasiums, pool, skating rink, training room, soccer field, etc.)
  • a beach
  • arts facilities (art room, music room)
  • a snoezelen room (meditation/relaxation);
  • CSRS school (Le Monarque).
  • Point de service Foyer Kelly: group home near Mont-Bellevue for teenager girls aged 13 to 17.

► See 360° photos of facilities, view unit life codes and user rights documents.

Rehabilitation center for mothers with difficulties

Villa Marie-Claire, located in Sherbrooke (Vieux-Nord district), welcomes women with adjustment difficulties during their pregnancy or for a stay of the mother with her children aged 0 to 5 years. The child's father or the mother's spouse can be involved throughout the stay. Support is provided for parents to develop their parenting skills.

► See 360° photos of facilities, view unit life codes and user rights documents.

Private seniors' residences

A private seniors' residence is all or part of a congregate residential facility (rooms or apartments) belonging to an independent owner and administered privately.

The rent is determined by the owner of the building.

They provide a more-or-less broad range of services, for example:

  • meal services
  • personal assistance services
  • domestic help services
  • security services
  • nursing care services
  • etc.

By virtue of the Act respecting health services and social services, all private seniors' residences must obtain a certificate of compliance attesting that they meet certain safety and service quality requirements.

Finding a residence

To obtain information or to find a seniors' residence, please consult the registry of seniors' residences 
(in French)

Family-type resources (FTR): Foster Family, Foster Home, Specialized Foster Family | Intermediate Resources (IR)

Family-type resources (FTR) and Intermediate resources (IR) enable client groups with a loss of autonomy or with particular needs to inhabit a living environment that closely resembles a home environment.

They are alternatives to residential and long-term care centres (CHSLDs).

Shared Services

Bound by contract, the CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS and various resources share the responsibilities and the delivery of services to provide a living environment that is adapted as well as possible to client needs.

Family-Type Resources (RTF)

Family-type resources consist of foster families (for children) and foster homes (for adults). These are living environments that meet the specific needs of the people who live there. 

For example, adult clients may have a loss of functional independence related to a chronic illness, an intellectual disability, an autism spectrum disorder, a physical disability, cognitive problems, or serious mental-health problems. 

Intermediate Resources (IR)

Intermediate resources allow people with a loss of independence due to aging, people with a significant cognitive deficit, or people under 65 years of age suffering from a physical or intellectual disability or an autism spectrum disorder to benefit from a living environment adapted to their condition and to receive support or assistance services. 

These include, for example:

  • group homes;
  • rooming houses;
  • supervised apartments; and
  • other types of residential organizations.

Becoming an intermediate resource

The CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS proceeds by call for tenders in accordance with the Act respecting Contracting by Public Bodies (ACPB). 

To find out about the need for intermediate resources, consult electronic tendering system (SEAO) of the Government of Quebec (in the search section, enter Intermediate Resource). 

Tools and documents for active IR-RTF

Kinship Foster Families (PFAPs)

A kinship foster family consists of all significant persons entrusted with the responsibility of a child to provide a safe family environment for the child's well-being and development.

Under the Youth Protection Act, persons entrusted with a child who do not have foster-care status will have PFAP status until a specific agreement with the institution is signed.

Tools and documents for PFAPs


Elderly Persons or People with Diminished Independence

Our Specialty Clinics
