Tools for PFAPs

Under section 4 of the Youth Protection Act, when it is not in the interest of the child to be maintained in his family environment, the decision must aim to ensure, as far as possible, continuity of care and stability of ties and living conditions appropriate to the child's needs and age and as close as possible to a family environment. 

The PFAP to whom a child is entrusted shall house, care for, and provide a family living environment for the safety and development of the child. (Free translation of an excerpt from ministerial directives)

This section is intended for use by applicants applying for kinship foster family status. It includes several reference documents we encourage you to read as well as the necessary forms.

By Category

Becoming a PFAP

The documents must be sent:
By mail to: 
Équipe de la gestion contractuelle RI-RTF RNI
Att. : responsable du suivi des PFAP
1621, rue Prospect, Sherbrooke (Québec)  J1J 1K4
By e-mail to: 
E-mail subject line: Documents complétés pour dossier PFAP

Financial Support

Under the Youth Protection Act, a per diem is paid to all PFAPs for expenses incurred during the period between the child's intake and the signing of the specific agreement. In order to receive this remuneration, PFAPs must complete a monthly invoicing schedule (French) provided by the institution. The following administrative directives guide facilities in processing the temporary status of applicants as kinship foster families. There are also details on the allowances granted.

  • Rétribution (Directives administratives sur les PFAP et rétributions) (in French)

In addition to their basic remuneration, PFAPs can also to obtain the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) to cover expenses related to the needs of the child in their care. To apply for the CCB, complete the RC66 form. CCB payments are available up to the time of your accreditation as a kinship foster family. 


Training (offered in french only)

Nouvelles PFAP

Cette formation virtuelle vise à vous outiller dans votre nouveau rôle de PFPAP. 

Thèmes abordés : 

  • Fonctionnement de la DPJ
  • Étapes d'un placement
  • Gestion des dépenses de l'usager
  • Classification
  • Entente spécifique

Durée :
2 h 30

Quand : 

  • 14 novembre 2023, 9 h à 11 h 30
  • 22 novembre 2023, 9 h à 11 h 30
  • 30 novembre 2023, 13 h à 15 h 30
  • 7 décembre 2023, 9 h à 11 h 30
  • 15 décembre 2023, 9 h à 11 h 30
  • 18 décembre 2023, 9 h à 11 h 30

*Les dates sont sujet à changement
*Prendre note qu’un maximum de 10 participants sera autorisé par groupe et un minimum de 3 participants sera demandé pour réaliser la rencontre. 

Inscription : 
Inscrivez-vous au formationri-rtf.ciussse-chusanti-spam@anti-spamssss.gouv.qcanti-spam.anti-spamca en précisant votre nom, votre numéro de téléphone et la date de formation souhaitée.

> Accédez à d’autres formations qui pourraient vous intéresser

Information Sessions

Do you have any questions about your role as a PFAP? The youth protection system offers information sessions to foster families who already have a child in their care. 

Online (Teams), 6:45-8:45 p.m.

  • March 5
  • March 19
  • April 2
  • April 16
  • May 7
  • May 21
  • June 4
  • June 18
  • July 2
  • July 16
  • August 6
  • August 20
  • September 3
  • September 17
  • October 1st
  • October 15
  • November 5
  • November 19
  • December 3
  • December 17

No registration required. PFAPs receive an e-mail invitation to attend one of the above information sessions.

Any Questions?

Call 819-346-8471, extension 58318.
