Medical Records and Archives

Medical Records and Archives Every user aged 14 years of age or over has right of access to their medical record, be it to obtain a copy, a summary, a specific item, or a certificate contained in it.  Certain restrictions may apply (French)

Est-ce que je peux avoir accès à mon dossier médical?

Tout usager de 14 ans et plus a le droit d’accéder à son dossier médical, que ce soit pour en obtenir une copie, un résumé, un élément spécifique ou une attestation.

Certaines restrictions peuvent s’appliquer.

Who can consult my medical record?

When required for the provision of care, health care professionals also have access to the user's record (within the scope of their functions).

Access to a deceased user's medical record

As regards access to a deceased user's medical record, confidentiality is upheld. However, section 23 (French) of the Act Respecting Health Services and Social Services states that the heirs, legatees by particular title and legal representatives of a deceased user are entitled to be given communication of information contained in his record to the extent that such communication is necessary for the exercise of their rights in such capacity. The same applies to the person entitled to the payment of a benefit under an insurance policy on the life of the user or under a pension plan of the user. Source:  Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec

What procedures do I need to take to access my medical record?

Mail a written request to the Archives Department of the service point where you received care or services. Your request must mention: name, address, date of birth, receiver's mailing address, phone number, the documents required and the dates. Sign and date your request. No personal information will be transmitted over the phone.Complete the form and send it to one of the following archives departments:
In accordance with the Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information, fees are payable in advance for some services, such as:
  • outpatient certificates
  • hospitalization certificates
  • time of birth certificates
  • requests photocopies of record exceeding 20 pages.
At the request of a user, an institution must send a copy or summary of, or an extract from, the user’s record to another institution or to a professional as soon as possible. The Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and the protection of personal information grants public bodies 20 calendar days to give notice. Out of respect for the users, requests are processed in the order in which they are received.