Visiting a relative or a loved one

Relatives are welcome at all times in hospitals and CHSLDs, if their presence is beneficial and safe for users.

The presence and collaboration of family and friends contribute to the well-being of our users.

The CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS encourages visits at all times. Nevertheless, certain guidelines must be followed to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone.


Five rules to follow when visiting

  1. Visit on your own or in a small group.
  2. Promote the user's recovery and rest.
  3. Comply with rules of hygiene and infection prevention and control (e.g., disinfect your hands on arrival).
  4. Contribute to maintaining a calm and safe environment (e.g., do not clutter the room with personal belongings). 
  5. Check with the staff beforehand to find out what you can do to promote your relative's well-being (e.g., can you give your relative something to drink).

Respiratory-virus level at CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS

Respiratory-virus levels are currently high in our facilities. The wearing of a mask is mandatory. You must wear a mask when you are in a care unit in the following:

  • All CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS hospitals, including emergency departments 
  • Residential and long-term care centers (CHSLD)
  • Seniors' and alternative homes (MDA-MA) of CIUSSS de l'Estrie – CHUS 
  • Chemotherapy centres at the Granby and Fleurimont hospitals
  • Fleurimont Hospital radiation oncology centre

Exceptions and specific instructions

For certain sectors.

ATTENTION | Due to the presence of measles cases at Fleurimont Hospital, only one visitor at a time is authorized per user in all sectors.


  • Only parents or close relatives are welcome at any time.


Visiting hours for this sector remain unchanged:

  • From 2 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
  • Only parents or a close relative are welcome at any time.

* One person (parent or close relative) can stay overnight.

The following apply for the pediatric intensive-care unit:

  • Maximum of two close relatives at a time.
  • Authorized siblings aged 12 and over. 

* For siblings under 12, please contact the assistant head nurse. 

Pediatric psychiatry

Visiting hours for this sector remain unchanged:

  • Tuesday and Thursday, 6.30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Saturday and Sunday, 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.

* The child psychiatrist must authorize visits depending on the child's state of health.

Mental health

  • Plan your visits in advance by contacting the team.
  • Only relatives identified by the user are welcome at any time.
  • Respect the unit's code of conduct at all times.

Emergency room

  • Maximum of two close relatives at a time.

Are you an informal caregiver?

Please visit the Informal Caregivers page. Discover tools and resources to support you.
