Tools and resources for your emotional health
Are you experiencing stress, anxiety or depression? Find out about tools and resources to help you manage the impact of these reactions in your daily life.
I need help right away...
- Info-Social: 811 (phone consultation service)
- 1-866-277-3553 (phone line) | 535353 (sms) | live chat
- JEVI Centre de prévention du suicide – Estrie (French): 819-564-1354 (phone line)
- Centre de prévention du suicide de la Haute-Yamaska (French): 450-375-4252 (phone line)
- SOS Violence conjugale: 1-800-363-9010 (phone line) | 438-601-1211 (sms) | live chat
- Gambling – Help and Reference: 1-800-461-0140
- Drugs – Help and Reference: 1-800-265-2626
- Ligne Pair-aidant j’écoute (French): 1-888-974-7247
I'm looking for tools to maintain my balance
- Digital tools to help with mental health
- Mouvement santé mentale Québec (French): group of community organizations dedicated to prevention and promotion in mental health
- Relief: support for people living with anxiety, depression or bipolarity, and their loved ones
- Au coeur des familles agricoles (French): psychosocial support network for agricultural workers and their families
- Réseau des entendeurs de voix québécois (French): resource for people who hear voices and those who support them
I am a parent
- LigneParents (French): 1-800-361-5085 (phone line) | live chat
- Keeping children safe by acts of kindness: acts of kindness
- Centre RBC d'expertise universitaire en santé mentale (French): resources to support youth mental health
I am a child or teenager
- Tel-jeunes : 1-800-668-6868 (phone line) | 686868 (sms) | live chat
- Aire ouverte Estrie : global health services for youth aged 12 to 25
- Centre RBC d'expertise universitaire en santé mentale (French): resources to support youth mental health
I recently arrived in the country
- Service d’aide aux Néo-Canadiens (bilingual services): integration services for immigrants
- Solidarité ethnique régionale de la Yamaska (bilingual services): integration services for immigrants
I am a caregiver
- Proche aidance Québec (French): group of community organizations that offer counseling services psychosocial support and respite to caregivers
- Ligne Pairs aidants famille (French): 1-800-349-9915 (phone line)
- Caregiver Support Helpline: 1-855-852-7784 (phone line)
- LaboAnsaldo App: to promote communication among seniors with dementia or any other communication barriers
- Réseau Avant de craquer: support for the relatives of a person suffering mental illness
I am mourning or accompanying a dying person
- Tel-Écoute - Ligne Le Deuil (French): 1-888-LE-DEUIL (phone consultation service)
For more information
Links of Interest
- Association québécoise de prévention du suicide (French)
- Guide to Mental Health Resources in Estrie - Including La Pommeraie and Haute-Yamaska
- Regroupement des ressources communautaires en santé mentale de l’Estrie (French)
- Regroupement des organismes communautaires de l'Estrie (ROC de l'Estrie)
- Institut universitaire sur les dépendances (French)