Research into family and medical history and requests for reunions

Finding your biological parents

Are you adopted and looking to know who your biological parents are? Do you wish to meet them?
  • The Service des antécédents et retrouvailles (family and medical history and reunions department) of the Direction de la protection de la jeunesse du CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS can assist you in your:
  • Search for your family and medical history if you were adopted;
  • Psychosocial assistance to prepare and hold the reunion.

Throughout this procedure, the anonymity of the biological parents, of the adopted person, and of their adoptive parents is preserved. Those involved must give their consent to revoke their anonymity. Our institution keeps the adoption files in which the judgments for adoption were pronounced in the judicial districts of Saint-François and of Bedford. These files contain confidential information concerning the birth and adoption of a child. To obtain the judgments for adoptive parents who lived in another judicial district, please contact your local CISSS.

Besoin de soutien?
La démarche de recherche d’antécédents et de retrouvailles peut susciter un besoin d’accompagnement émotionnel. Consultez les ressources d’aide à votre portée.

Coordonnées des services d’antécédents sociobiologiques et de retrouvailles

Téléphone : 819 822-2728, poste 52113 | Sans frais : 1 800 463-5769, poste 52113
Adresse : 
340, rue Dufferin
Sherbrooke (Québec)
J1H 4M7

Courriel :  
